
Pedagogical aspect of meta-anthropological knowledge of canon law

Good and evil will never agree. A spiritual struggle is needed. The evil deeds of man testify to the absence of true, perfect knowledge. The factory of knowledge is a person who, with the help of existential and transcendental virtues and having a higher spiritual inoculation, a spiritual vaccine, knows, reveals in the universe the synergistic processual effect of ionization, that is, the transformation of potential good into ontological matters. At the same time, evil necessarily takes part in ionization, as a certain incentive to the opposite action.

Canonical law in the constitutional field: problems and searches for symphony

The article examines canon law in the constitutional field, because the philosophical
world is very rich in creativity as a movement towards transcendental, extra-ordinary
existence. This creativity in terrestrial conditions is emasculated, stifled by society, the Church
and the state on the basis of the coexistence of people with natural laws, synergistic, nonlinear
social processes. These three institutions, which are governed by natural and supernatural
laws, carry out culturological activities. In particular, they form their legal field, influence the