Pedagogical aspect of meta-anthropological knowledge of canon law

Цитування за ДСТУ: Сливка С. (2023). Педагогічний аспект метаантропологічного пізнання канонічного права. Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: "Юридичні науки". Т. 10. № 3(39). С. 34-45.

Citation APA: Slyvka S. (2023). Pedagogical aspect of meta-anthropological knowledge of canon law. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 3(39), pp. 34-45.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Good and evil will never agree. A spiritual struggle is needed. The evil deeds of man testify to the absence of true, perfect knowledge. The factory of knowledge is a person who, with the help of existential and transcendental virtues and having a higher spiritual inoculation, a spiritual vaccine, knows, reveals in the universe the synergistic processual effect of ionization, that is, the transformation of potential good into ontological matters. At the same time, evil necessarily takes part in ionization, as a certain incentive to the opposite action. Ionization is caused by such an ionizer as the spiritual energy of a person, his organic cognition. This process is ontological and necessary for a person to master himself and win a place for himself in the transcendental world. 

The metastases of evil are so penetrating that a person cannot comprehend them from beginning to end. The natural ability of man to know the world is blocked by evil. If the earthly phenomena can be known in the main, then the supernatural ones - only a part, referring to irrationality, that is, the permissibility of existence, but the impossibility (absurdity) of revealing the essences. 

The philosophy of law, together with its introductions to the deontology of law and canon law, convincingly proves that it is necessary to learn about the world through the prism of law. In particular, the deontology of law appeared thanks to the ontology of law. The ontology of law derives from human organics about the laws of creation of the world. Every day of the creation of the world is justified by a specific system of laws: light, space and time, the plant world, the solar system, the nature of water-air space, the nature of terrestrial space. These are the fundamental laws of the development of the world, the laws of reality act on a person and in his body, thoughts and feelings. That is why man has a name - microcosm. Thoughts and other organic factors are the basis of the human spirit, which is the leader in relation to the body, the organism. The human spirit is influenced by various teachings, theories, and religions. This leads a person to confusion. The way out of the situation is found in canon law, which offers a single knowledge, a single theory, a single faith. Therefore, there is a need to pay attention to the knowledge of canon law.

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