транспортний потік

Analysis of saturation flow on isolated lanes of controlled intersections with significant traffic intensity

The methods and results of the investigation of intervals between vehicles during queue dissipation before controlled intersections with the further determination of saturation flow are reviewed in this paper. Having reviewed existing methods of determining the saturation in traffic flows, those are determined which provide the most certain results in conditions of intensivemovement and take into account quite a large number of impact factors.

To determination of traffic delay at controlled intersection

Taking into account the importance of time spent on passing distances of vehicle routes that lie across city road network (RN), well-known approaches to the determination of vehicle delay in the movement process (waiting for passage and the passage) of controlled intersections are analyzed. Reasons that cause the growth of these delays and that have an impact on traffic light cycle duration are counted. At the same time, the authors justify the need for change in the existing term transport delay.

Increasing the complex intersections functioning efficiency by restriction of left-turn traffic flows

Providing rapid and safe traffic in cities requires the use of a set of planning and organizational measures. While the implementation of architectural-planning measures requires, except for significant investments, a quite long period, organizational measures can lead to a temporary but relatively rapid effect. For this purpose, an analysis of traffic flow metrics on the approaches to the intersection, traffic light cycle, and the traffic phasing is carried out.

Impact of street parking on delays and the average speed of traffic flow

The article is devoted to the problem of the impact of street parking on delays and the average speed of traffic flow. The sections with different ways of putting vehicles near the roadway in the central part of Lviv city with the most saturated flow were exposed to scientific scrutiny. For this purpose, the program software PTV Vissim is used. The causes of the impact of street parking on traffic flow speed and roadway capacity are analyzed.

Justification of the criteria for allocation of separate lanes for urban public transport

The article is devoted to the methodology and research results of traffic flow parameters on the arterial streets, where different regimes of prioritizing urban public transport operate. The regularities of changes of such parameters make it possible to identify and differentiate the sections of transport network in terms of service efficiency, with the aim to implement various regulatory measures that would help to minimize delays in traffic flow.