управління проєктами

Information and Communication Tools for Effective Functioning of Distributed Project Teams

The paper analyzes the key aspects of the use of Agile methodologies by distributed project teams in the IT industry with an emphasis on the integration of information and communication systems for effective work in dynamic environments. The challenges faced by the virtual IT industry in the context of the COVID pandemic, the large-scale invasion of Russia, which generated radical changes in the approaches to the management of project teams, have been considered.

Project Portfolio Management in a Multi-project Environment

Creating a portfolio of projects is an important scientific and practical task that applies to all areas of human activity, and the field of information technology is no exception. Research has shown that there are multiple approaches to solving this task, each characterized by certain features. Known methods of resource allocation have been analyzed, classified, and shown to be primarily related to linear programming problems, resource distribution matrices, or based on empirical knowledge.

Algebras of algorithms for modeling the distribution of resources in IT projects

The distribution of resources is an important scientific and practical task, as it concerns all areas of human activity, the field of information technologies is no exception. A study was conducted, which showed that today there are many approaches to solving the given problem, each of which is characterized by certain features. Known methods of resource allocation are analyzed, their classification is given and it is shown that they are mainly defined as linear programming problems, resource allocation matrices or are implemented on the basis of empirical knowledge.