
Information System for the Educational Center

The goal of the research of the qualification thesis is the development of an intelligent information system of the educational centre using the Python programming language and the Django framework, the SQLite database system, and the chatbot with artificial intelligence ChatGPT. The developed system should facilitate the interaction of different types of users with learning/training centres in order to acquire new necessary skills. As you know, from now on every day more and more educational centres are opening, which provide their services for the study of this or that ability.

Mobile system for spatial orientation of people with vision disorders

Based on the analysis of existing systems for helping blind people to navigate in space, an understanding arose in the creation of a new system that would have a completely different approach to the interaction of a blind user with the existing world. Such a system, having the function of a voice message, provides a blind person with information and thus helps him orientate in space. Existing approaches focus on providing sound signals, which only make it possible to redirect a person in a certain direction, prohibit or allow movement.