
Features of organizational and legal provision of information security in the conditions of war with russia

Abstract. The article, based on a theoretical and practical study of the essence and features of the regulation of information and legal relations in the conditions of russian aggression, focuses on the problematic issues of organizational and legal provision of information security as an activity aimed at the prevention, timely detection and termination of threats that destructively affect vital interests of the individual, society and the state in the information sphere.

On international environmental security: modern dimensions and principles of implementation

The article describes the current problems of international environmental security in the context of the systematic manifestation of the principles of its implementation, which justifies the need to consolidate the efforts of interstate environmental measures on the basis of sustainable and balanced development. The article examines prerequisites for the formation of the global environmental safety as an integral part of international relations and politics against the background of the long-term ecological crisis.

Theoretical study of dangers, threats and risks in the economic security of the enterprise

This article provides a theoretical study and generalization of the definition of the essence of danger, threat and risk in the economic security of an enterprise. The presence of danger creates a system of organizational and economic actions to protect the enterprise from the onset of risk. Schematically, the interdependence of these categories is shown which correlate with each other. At the same time, the systematization method was used to identify deterministic features and the grouping method to clarify conceptual approaches.

Aggression and violence: philosophical and legal correlation of definitions

In the article, on the basis of available scientific approaches, the philosophical and legal correlation of the definitions of "aggression" and "violence. It is noted that aggression is organically connected with violence and is its natural basis, as for human society - social matter is based on the natural environment, in particular, living matter, in which aggression is a mandatory attribute. However, aggression as a phenomenon is not identical to violence, just as living matter and social matter are not identical.


The article focuses on strengthening the military potential of the Bucharest Nine (B9) states in the context of the russia's war in Ukraine. The authors clarify the reasons and goals of the consolidation of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe for cooperation within the framework of the Bucharest format. Prerequisites for changes in defense spending within NATO are described, namely, the russian-Ukrainian war. The reaction of the North Atlantic Alliance to Russia's armed attack on Ukraine is studied, in particular after the full-scale russian invasion.

Challenges for Cooperation of the Participating States in the Bucharest Nine Format in the Conditions of the Evolution of Security Threats on NATO's Eastern Borders. (Research Article)

The article reveals the challenges for cooperation of the participating states in the Bucharest Nine initiatives in the conditions of the evolution of security threats on NATO’s eastern borders. The preconditions, purpose and goals of the Bucharest Nine have been highlighted. The group composition of B9 participants on a territorial basis has been considered, namely: the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), the Visegrad Four countries (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic), and the Black Sea countries (Bulgaria and Romania).

Data Protection With Intellectual Support of Organizational and Technical and Operational Management

For the successful use of modern information technologies, it is necessary to effectively manage not only the network, but also information systems security (ISS), the information system on the level of the system must operate autonomously implementing the management structure of information security events, planning the composition of modular ISS and audit.

Вплив соціальних мереж на корпоративну інформаційну та економічну безпеку

У статті здійснено огляд основних загроз інформаційної та економічної безпеки комерційних структур, що виникають у зв’язку з масовим поширенням сервісів соціальних мереж. Пропонуються також декілька засобів захисту від таких загроз.

Формалізація проблеми захисту інформації в мережах загального користування

мережа загального користування, модель, граф, випадкова функція, загроза, захищеність, потік Пуассона.