
On the question of criminal organization as a form of compatibility

The article is devoted to the characterization of a criminal organization as a form of complicity.

Organized crime is a negative social phenomenon that is caused by social relations that arise as a result of human activity.

In the current Criminal Code of Ukraine, the criminal organization has found expression as the most dangerous form. The need to define this form of complicity, its typical and specific features is caused primarily by the rapid growth of organized crime. 

Improvement of Regulatory and Legal Environment of Public-private Partnership in the Field of Road Transport of Ukraine

Problem setting. Economic development is very important in the processes of positive transformations  of the country, a large part of ensuring economic growth is transport infrastructure, one of the main types of which is road transport. Recently, the Ukrainian economy has been weakened by the global crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the worst thing that has happened so far is the extremely difficult martial law and the Russian invasion with a full-scale war against Ukraine.

The Problem of Legal Understanding in Modern Society: Administrative Aspect

The relevance of the problem study of legal understanding shall be determined by a combination of ideological, social and political factors, including the urgent need to comprehend legal understanding as the most important regulator of social relations, as well as the need for a critical rethinking of traditional concepts of legal understanding.


The geopolitical catastrophes of the twentieth century have called into question the postulate of the concept that everyone is rational and seeks to find the truth, guided only by reason. Throughout the history of the development of information dissemination channels, we have constantly observed attempts by the state or other strong organizations to regulate, limit their activities – from preventive (censorship) to repressive, and often a mixture of them.

Theoretical aspects of legal culture perception

Abstract. The main theoretical approaches to understanding the concept and essence of legal culture, its historical development and formation are revealed. The article considers certain definitions of legal culture, including in the branch of law and public administration, formulated by a number of scientists, who mainly focused on the following subject matters of legal culture: law itself, legal awareness, legal relations, law and order, legitimate activities of participants in public relations.

Reforms in the field of law, judicial proceedings and justice as a factor in the formation of a political association between Ukraine and the EU

Problem setting. The processes of globalization and international European integration in the modern world set a priority task for Ukraine to implement the provisions of the association agreement between Ukraine and the EU. The formation of a political association and a deep and comprehensive free trade area between Ukraine and the EU depends on the successful reform in the field of Law, judicial proceedings and Justice of Ukraine in the context of European integration.

Preliminary group of persons, group of persons and organized groups: distinction of issues

Abstract. The article is devoted to the delimitation of the concepts of a group of persons by prior agreement, a group of persons and an organized group. It is proved that a lot of difficulties in legal science are caused by the distinction between a group of persons by prior conspiracy and an organized group. In view of this, we consider it expedient to establish differences between these forms of complicity through the disclosure of the characteristics of a group of persons by prior agreement and an organized group.

Concepts, types and general characteristics of corruption offenses

Abstract. The article is devoted to the concept, types and general characteristics of corruption offenses, as corruption is one of the most persistent negative phenomena in the activities of public authorities and administration. It affects all spheres of public life, contributes to the spread of organized crime, creates social tension, creates uncertainty in the population's ability to take organizational and practical measures to overcome the systemic crisis and revive Ukraine.

Laws, forms and methods of thinking in scientific papers Olexander Kulchytsky

Logic is one of the oldest sciences. We talk about it as art of statements and arguments. Anyone who masters this science will be able to effectively achieve their own goals by acquiring new knowledge and producing their own ideas. Ability to critically evaluate opponents statements and respondents arguments will allow them not to succumb to the pressure of commercial media, promises of politicians, etc.