залишкові напруження

Formation Residual Stresses and Their Dependence on Technological Parameters of Process of Machining Parts

There are considered the technological ability to manage residual stress during machining by correcting the distorted structure of the treated surface det-lei new vector machines cutting speed for roughing and finishing operations processing.

Residual stresses from gravitational stress: fpreliminary estimations of their rates based on geological data

The method of the research relates to the field tectonophysics. The study of tectonic stress has always been the most important task of tectonic research. You can say that Tectonophysics began to flourish after the mass measurement of stress in-situ methods in mining and creation of stress reconstruction algorithm in natural geological data sets of slip faults. Data Mining showed a large predominance of horizontal compression environments in the areas of uplift and shields, and the prevalence of certain environments the horizontal extension in the crust basins and plates.