
Applied Programmed System of Ukrainian Technical Texts Processing for People With Visual Impairments

This paper describes the results of O. Lozytskyy's dissertation research, basis on development of new computational methods and software of the computerized data processing and presentation for people with visual impairments system. Author developed applied programmed system of Ukrainian technical texts processing that consists of a set of processing and conversion methods for automatic reading mathematical formulas and symbols of the Ukrainian language, which written in a variety of formats.

Система опрацювання технічних текстів українською мовою з метою їх адаптації для людей з вадами зору

This paper reviews methods and means of development of the applied programmed system of Ukrainian technical texts processing to meet the needs of information accessibility for the blind people.

The results of detailed EM soundings in the problem zone at the northern border of Dombrovsky quarry

The results of electro-magnetic diagnostics of the medium in the upper part of geological cut between river of Sivka and the northern border of quarry are presented. Time domain electromagnetic sounding has detected and quantitatively outlined a zone of anomalous conductivity associated with development of filtration-suffosion and karst processes in the gypsum-clay cap and in the ore body as a result of infiltration of river waters and atmospheric precipitations into water-bearing horizon, and their migration in the border zone at lower hypsometric dates.