Problems of investigative and forensic expert  establishment of causes of technogenic events

: 114-120

Baranyak V., Kryzhanovskij A. "Problems of investigative and forensic expert  establishment of causes of technogenic events"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article examines the problematic issues of investigative and forensic establishment of  the causes of man-made events. The need for cooperation between the investigator and the expert in  establishing causal links in cases of man-made events has been identified. 

The tasks of the main direction of the investigation are considered, which consist of a  consistent solution of the following tasks, namely: collection of data characterizing the place, time,  mechanism of development and other circumstances of a socially dangerous event; establishing the  immediate cause of this event; finding out the main cause of the event (ie the act or omission that  led to the possibility of realizing the immediate cause); identification of the perpetrator (s), motive,  purpose and other circumstances of the act. 

Based on the data of expert practice, five typical expert tasks are considered, namely:  clarification of the question of the existence of a causal relationship between the two phenomena;  establishing the cause of the phenomenon; the need to study the conditions (most often such studies  are diagnostic in nature, as they are related to determining the condition of the object) (for  example, whether the object was in good condition, and if not, what was its malfunction; what is the  state of fire safety ; whether these items belong to the categories of fire-resistant; whether the object  was (track, locomotive, car, etc.) in a technically defective condition, and if so, what is the fault));  clarification of the temporal relationship (passage) of two phenomena, which becomes important  when the commission of a criminal offense is complicated by incoming circumstances (conditions)  or consists of several links; based on the results of solving this problem, as well as the previous one,  which in some cases have independent significance, and in others - are aimed at clarifying the  causal relationship between two phenomena or (i) signs of cause or the possibility of their use in  studying the mechanism of criminal offense. 

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