The paper study tactics laying compromise during certain investigative (detective) actions under preliminary investigation.
In conclusion tactical methods of compromise during the investigation (search) action is the most appropriate action on the proposal and grant concessions on the part of the investigator in exchange for mandatory pre-trial participants perform specific commitments aimed at achieving this goal. The article deals with tactics that can be used during certain investigations, namely
during the review, osviduvannya person search, investigative experiment. If given home or other property, is forced invasion of privacy which causes additional distress to the victim, the victim of crime. In this case, using the compromise agreement can be
achieved with the injured person and obtain consent to review the events of the city. To this 257 end, the investigator must explain that viewing the scene is very necessary to achieve positive results in the investigation of crime. In order to assure that the person at the examination premises will take all measures to ensure the protection of privacy. Reciprocity concessions in this case would be to so that the person voluntarily allowing viewing the scene - dwelling receives additional guarantees of privacy. Consent to participate in osviduvanni can be achieved through compromise, explaining face the possibility of forced osviduvannya in case of failure of voluntary and offer a compromise based on mutual concessions, of the person - a voluntary consent to participate in osviduvannya, and by investigating authorities - not coerced and consideration of this
agreement as aid the investigation. During a search of revealing the feasibility of voluntary extradition investigator explains
the person entering into a compromise, the essence of which will be to the fact that in the case of voluntary extradition search will be closed.
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