Punishment of limitation of will can be reformed (experience of republic of Belarus)

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 855(12): 510–514


K. Marysyuk

The article is sanctified to the analysis of punishment of limitation of will without direction a person to the attendance centre of open type in Republic of Belarus. In accordance with the current legislation of Republic of Belarus, taking into account the face of guilty, character and degree of public danger of person, that committed crime, presence for it of permanent residence, a court can award punishment of limitation of will without direction a person in the attendance centre of open type. Convict to punishment of limitation of will without direct a person to the attendance centre of open type punishments leave at the place of permanent residence. Limitation of will without direction a person in the attendance centre of open type can be awarded punishment, when correction guilty can be attained without his moving away from the place of permanent residence: in family, labour collective, in
educational establishment. The obligatory condition of application to the winy mentioned type of punishment is bringing in of him to labour.

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