Digital Forensics in the Context of Digitalisation of Modern Society

: 7-11

Citation APA: Baranyak V. (2024). Digital Forensics in the Context of Digitalisation of Modern Society. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 11, No. 2(42), Pp. 7-11. URL:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The author substantiates the relevance of digital forensics in the context of digitalisation of modern society, notes the active use of digital technologies in solving various types of illegal activities in the field of computer information, and defines the concepts of «digital trace» and «digital forensics».

The author emphasises the need to develop new knowledge and developments in forensic techniques, standards and principles for evaluating and verifying collected evidence (digital traces), to carry out mandatory standardisation when working with digital information, and to consider and develop appropriate methodology for training specialists in the field of digital forensics.

Attention is focused on ethical, legal and privacy issues related to the collection and use of digital data during an investigation, confidentiality and protection of personal information of persons not involved in a criminal offence, compliance of the collection and use of digital data during an investigation with certain legal norms and standards (obtaining court orders for evidence collection, requirements for information storage, observance of the rights and freedoms of persons under investigation), ensuring an appropriate level of protection, storage and transmission of personal information and restricting access to it only on certain grounds.

The role of forensics in improving and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against modern crime, including war and cybercrime, through the active use of digital technologies is emphasised.

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