Considered the essence of the new doctrine of reforming the traditional legislative, executive and judicial power in the law-making, enforcement and antidelictual power branch. Substantiates the new doctrine of the Supreme Court of Ukraine as antidelictual body with a full set of judicial chambers: Constitutional, Anticriminal, Administrative, Labor, Civil and Commercial. Disclosed the essence of the new doctrine functions antidelictual body and some other related new doctrines and concepts of jurisprudence.
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5. Tkach Yu. D. Ponyattya i systemno-strukturna budova kryminalistyky : dys. ... kand. yuryd. Nauk [The concept and system-block structure criminology: Dis. ... Candidate. Legal. Science]. Kyiv, 2004. 556 p.
6. Tkach Yu. D. Teoretychni osnovy kryminalistyky (periodyzatsiya, ponyattya, systema, mizhnaukovyy status) : monohrafiya [The theoretical basis of Criminology (periodization, concepts, system status mizhnaukovyy): monograph]. Yu. D. Tkach ; za nauk. red. O. A. Kyrychenka. Odesa : Vyd-vo OYuI NUVS, 2007. 176 p.
7. Tuntula O. S. Otrymannya dokaziv ta formy yikh predstavlennya, otsinky ta vykorystannya u kryminal'nomu provadzhenni Ukrayiny : dys. … kand. yuryd. Nauk. [Obtaining evidence and forms of presentation, evaluation and use in criminal proceedings of Ukraine: Dis. ... Candidate. Legal. Science]. 12.00.09 “Kryminal'nyy protses i kryminalistyka; sudova ekspertyza; operatyvno-rozshukova diyal'nist'”. National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2013. 233 p.