Legislative novelties to create farms in Ukraine

: pp. 392-397

M. Dolynskа «Legislative novelties to create farms in Ukraine» http://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-1-number-865-14...

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Research on topical issues of legal regulation of farms in Ukraine. Detailed analysis of novel legislation on the creation of family farms. According to the author, the current farm legislation, including the Law of Ukraine “On the farm,” absorbed in itself change the Ukrainian legislation in the direction of European integration, as well as the positive experience of farms abroad. Modern farm in Ukraine can function in two types of business units – as a legal entity and natural person entrepreneur. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of Ukraine on March 31, 2016 No. 1067-VIII “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine” On the farm “and to stimulate the creation of family farms” to create farms. The author argues that in Ukraine allowed to create five types of farms.


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