The concept of family in agrarian law of Ukraine

: 110-116

Dolynskа M.
"The concept of family in agrarian law of Ukraine"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article deals with the urgent issues of agrarian law development in Ukraine. The author analyzes the formation of the concept of family in agrarian law of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the study of the concept of family in various scientific schools, including philosophical and civil. The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation of the concept of family in agrarian law of independent Ukraine, in particular in the activities of farms. The author confirms that the concept of family in agrarian law of Ukraine generally reflects the modern family relations in the state, as well as to some extent the progressive tendencies of the development of Ukrainian society. The significance of the concept of family in agrarian law is that it can also be used as a means of overcoming gaps in agrarian, in particular in the law of farmers in Ukraine. A historical and legal analysis of the development of the concept of family in the most common subjects of agrarian relations – farms during the times of independent Ukraine is carried out. The author came to the conclusion that in the farms of Ukraine the concept of family is used in two perspectives: family and family-household. The development of the concept of family in Ukraine, including agrarian law, should take into account many factors, and an important role belongs to the formation and development of the legal system of the state, which in some way is associated not only with economics but also politics and morality. In future, the acceptance of the concept of family in both agrarian law and the state will change, as the world is transforming this concept. Adoption of the universal definition of the concept of “family” at the legislative level in Ukraine will encourage appropriate changes to agrarian normative and legal acts.

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