Сanonically-legislative framework studite order: historical and legal aspects

: pp. 155-162

V. Chornopyska «Canonically-legislative framework studite order:historical and legal aspects»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Based on a thorough analysis of sources in a significant historical and legal context analyzes canonical-legal documents Studite Order. “General Typicon” vzoruvavsya the ancient monastic Typicon and the Eastern monastic tradition introduced in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra St. Anthony and St. Theodosia Caves. It consisted of five parts, thematically divided into individual chapters in total containing 957 articles, notes and comments – 324 positions. The source base served as the works of St. Fathers, monastic Typicon from ancient to modern abbot, monastic rules, statutes, Missal, paterikon, scientific theological and historical works of Byzantine, Melkite, Greek, Latin, German, French, Russian and Ukrainian historiography, that is, abbot Clement (Sheptytsky) used all available sources at the time of Eastern monasticism. Comparison of “General Typicon” from the previous two, and Sknylivska Univ clearly indicates its scientific, sound, exhaustive and deep Eastern spirituality, so it became the most complete “Typicon” religious life of monks Studite order, which they observe in the present.


1. Єvlogii, mitr. Put' moei zhizni [The Way of My Life]. Moskow: Moskovskii rabochii; VPMD Publ, 1994. 2-e izd. 619 p.
2. Martynyuk T., iyerm. Mytropolyt Andrey ta blazhennyy Klymentiy Sheptyts'ki yak zakonodavtsi vidrodzhenoho studiys'koho chernetstva [Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky and blessed Clement as lawmakers revived Studite monasticism]. Typikony / Red. kol.: yerm. Venedykt (Valeriy Aleksiychuk), yerm. Teodor (Taras Martynyuk), skhm. Iryney (Ivan Voloshyn) ta yerm. Yustyn (Yuriy
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3. Typikony [Typicon]. Red. kol.: yerm.Venedykt (Valeriy Aleksiychuk)), yerm. Teodor (Taras Martynyuk), skhm. Iryney (Ivan Voloshyn) ta yerm. Yustyn (Yuriy Boyko). L'viv: Svichado Publ, 2007. 140 p.
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6. Lyst Kongrehatsiyi dlya sprav Skhidnykh Tserkov do Mytropolyta Andreya Sheptyts'koho u spravi monakhiv Studytiv [Letter Konґrehatsiyi for the Oriental Churches to Andrey Sheptytsky in the case of monks Studite]. Typikony. Red. kol.: yerm. Venedykt (Valeriy Aleksiychuk), yerm. Teodor (Taras Martynyuk), skhm. Iryney (Ivan Voloshyn) ta yerm. Yustyn (Yuriy Boyko). L'viv: Svichado Publ, 2007. pp. 129–130.
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