Circumstances, to be proved during the conduct of pre-trial investigation passengers thefts committed on railway transport of Ukraine

: 261 - 268

O. Gumin, Y. Koval «Circumstances, to be proved during the conductof pre-trial investigation passengers theftscommitted on railway transport of Ukraine»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Platoon Inspector 2, Company 1, Battalion 2 Office of the Patrol Police in Lviv Department of Patrol Police

The article analyzes the peculiarities of circumstances to be proved in the pre-trial investigation passengers thefts committed on the railways of Ukraine. Examines the main theoretical and methodological approaches to define the circumstances subject to proof in criminal proceedings. Proven that are listed in article the circumstances require findings and evidence in all criminal proceedings on the fact of theft of personal property of passengers committed on railway transport of Ukraine.

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