

We consider the process of forming, which is carried out by means of providing differences, through structure, color, texture and texture. Form is conceived of as a structure of elements and relationships hierarchically divided to establish a cumulative unity. Its three objective categories are mass, texture and color. It will have a fuller and more correct meaning if we understand it as a kind of “active energy”.

The mechanism of theft of others' property using information technologies

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of embezzlement of someone else's property, which is carried out using information technologies in the context of current legislation. The methodological basis was a systematic approach to the study of the mechanism of criminal offenses related to the theft of other people's property and the influence of information technologies. The main role was played by general scientific methods, historical, logical, comparative, generalization and classification, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction.

Legal restrictions are a specific method of legal regulation

Abstract. The analysis of scientific sources provides grounds to assert that legal regulation is the regulation of social relations carried out through law and the entire set of legal means. The concept of "regulation" (from Latin regulo - rule) implies organization, adjustment, and bringing something into conformity with something else. In our view, to regulate means to define the behavior of individuals and their collectives, to direct their functioning and development, to provide certain limits, and to organize them purposefully.

Методологія синтезу моделей алгоритмічної складової автоматів

Описано етапи синтезу, оптимізації і дослідження математичних моделей алго- ритмічної складової автоматів методом алгебри алгоритмів, декомпозиції і математичної індукції.

There is describe by the stages of synthesis, optimization and study mathematical models of machine algorithmic component by the methods of algorithm algebra, decomposition and mathematical induction.

Граматика мови опису завдань на генерування баз даних

Засобами алгебри секвенційних алгоритмів описано розроблені синтаксис і семантику мови опису завдань на створення бази даних.

By means of sequential algebra algorithms described are designed syntax and semantice describing tasks on a database.

Дослідження і розроблення методів і алгоритмів неієрархічної кластеризації

Розроблено і досліджено методи й алгоритми неієрархічної кластеризації, які дають змогу визначити оптимальну початкову кількість кластерів без будь-якої початкової інформації про їхнє розміщення. Розроблені методи і алгоритми досліджено на відомому тестовому наборі Iris.

Developed and studied the methods and non-hierarchical clustering algorithms for determining the optimal initial number of clusters without any background information on the location of the clusters. The methods and algorithms are studied in the famous test set Iris.

Метод і алгоритми аналізу плоских симетричних зображень у растровій формі

Запропоновано метод і алгоритми аналізу симетричних зображень у растровій формі. Наведено результати аналізу симетричних зображень-орнаментів.

The method and algorithms analysis of symmetric images in a raster form are suggested in the article. The results of analysis of symmetric image-ornaments are described.

Assessment of the Impact of the Risks of Foreign Economic Activities

Risk is an integral part of the economic activity of any organizations that operate on the market in conditions of competition under the influence of external and internal environments. The word risk is often synonymous with loss, failure, which leads to negative consequences. However, no matter how many scientific or practical works are devoted to this issue, it will continue to be relevant, as the world becomes more changeable and threats have become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, assessing the impact of risks is an important component of management activities.

Constructive role of the concept "approach", "method", "way" in the field of legal knowledge

Annotation. Considered in the scientific-terminological and conceptual - the understanding of three terms, which are similar in meaning (values of signifying phenomena) and value (by the nature of these phenomena). This is an "approach", "method" and " way".

Reliability prediction of a mechatronic hydraulic drive at the early design stages

The article deals with the reliability of technological machines that use hydraulic feed drives. A priority task in mechanical engineering is the design of mechanical systems with higher stability, reliability, and performance. Various mechatronic systems are used to solve this problem, including mechatronic motion modules for hydraulic drives of technological machines.