Civil responsible in criminal proceedings

: pp. 148-153

Soroka S., Rimarchuk G. "Civil responsible in criminal proceedings".

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article deals with issues related to elucidation of some aspects of the legal status of a
civil defendant as a participant (subject) of criminal proceedings. The participation of persons
in criminal proceedings requires a clear knowledge of the rights and obligations of each
participant in these relations, since within the framework of this proceeding activity is carried
out which may result in bringing the person to criminal liability that will result in a certain
restriction of his rights and freedoms. A person who is liable for compensation for damage in a
criminal proceeding is a civil defendant who has the responsibility to be responsible for the
claims brought by the plaintiff within the limits and in the circumstances determined by the
procedural law. Thus, a civilian defendant as a party to a criminal proceeding is a person who
is defending himself and being involved in answering a claim made by the plaintiff. It is
determined that the civil defendant is an independent participant in the criminal process, who,
according to his status, should have rights and obligations that must be directly determined
criminal procedural law. Proposed changes to the existing criminal procedural legislation.

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