Crimes against religious freedoms: foreign experience

: 135-140

Martjanova T. "Crimes against religious freedoms: foreign experience"

Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article is devoted to the analysis of criminal legal protection of religious freedoms of
citizens in foreign countries. Analyzing the content of the criminal law of many countries in the
world, related to the protection of religious freedoms of citizens, concluded that most of them
provide for such rules.At the same time, some of the existing Criminal Code do not criminalize
acts in this area. Such, for example, is the Criminal Code of France, the Criminal Code of
Sweden, the Criminal Code of Spain. The absence of the said provisions in the laws of the
states is seen as their national legal tradition rather than the direct denial of the expediency of
criminal law protection of the above-mentioned social relations. It is also worth noting that
attempts by a number of states to remove the legal protection of religious freedoms of citizens,
beyond the framework of the Criminal Code, a typical example of which can be considered the
Criminal Code of Denmark.

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