
Crimes Against the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine: Concept and System

Abstract. The article examines problematic issues of defining the concept and system of crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine. In particular, the issue of normative and legal regulation of the definition of national security of Ukraine at the constitutional, legislative and sub-legal levels was considered. A comparative analysis of different opinions of scientists regarding the definition of the concept and system of crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine was carried out.

Exemption from Criminal Liability under Criminal Procedural Law

This research article discusses problem of crime in contemporary Ukrainian society and ways to
address it through the application of alternative responses to criminal offenses, particularly exemption
from criminal liability, are considered. The mechanisms and practical aspects of applying this institution
in Ukrainian criminal procedural law are analyzed. This article pays special attention to the role of
various subjects of the criminal process, such as the court, the prosecutor, the victim and the suspect, in

Modernization of the activities of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine in modern conditions

Annotation. The current conditions of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine are extremely complex, which requires increased efficiency in this area. The purpose of this article was to highlight the main directions of modernization of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. This study was carried out within the limits of the set goal using the following methods: information-analytical method, system approach method, anamnestic method, descriptive statistics method, descriptive analysis method, forecasting method.

Criminal law approaches to the analysis of crime prevention programs in the USA

It was emphasized that in Ukraine, representatives of all types of law enforcement activities develop certain methods and measures to combat crime at the level of their own competence. Of course, there are national and regional programs, but specific bodies and their divisions have considerable freedom of action regarding the direction of professional implementation.

Victimology apparatus for domestic violence research

Crime, as a manifestation of illegal encroachments, is one of the urgent problems of our state, and counteracting it is an important area of activity of the state in general, and law enforcement agencies in particular. At all times, mercenary-violent crime was perceived as a serious threat to the highest social values, which led to public demand for effective forms of counteraction and protection of the interests of people, society and the state from mercenary violent encroachments, reducing the risk of falling victim to these crimes.

The experience of the United States оf America and Canada in the prevention of criminal offenses against the subjects of criminal proceedings

The article is devoted to the problem of prevention of criminal offenses against the subjects of criminal proceedings through the real provision of their security in the field of criminal proceedings. Since the development of the regulatory framework to address the security of persons involved in criminal proceedings began in the middle of last century, accordingly, this problem, as well as ways to solve it, began to be reflected in the norms of contemporary international law.

On the question of criminal organization as a form of compatibility

The article is devoted to the characterization of a criminal organization as a form of complicity.

Organized crime is a negative social phenomenon that is caused by social relations that arise as a result of human activity.

In the current Criminal Code of Ukraine, the criminal organization has found expression as the most dangerous form. The need to define this form of complicity, its typical and specific features is caused primarily by the rapid growth of organized crime.