Ukraine, having become the path of independence and the construction of a lawgoverned
state, directed its activities on the formation of national law. From here, the study of
the problems of the formation and development of such a branch of law as social security is
one of the main tasks of the legal science. This is due to the fact that, through the norms of this
industry, the realization of the most important social rights by a person and a citizen takes
place. In addition, the successful resolution of the tasks of law-making and law-enforcement
activities in the field of social security depends to a large extent on the state of branch legal
science. It is intended to prove the inextricable connection of all elements of the subject of
regulation of this branch of law, the existence of general principles of legal regulation, to
justify admissible sectoral differentiation on objective grounds, which ultimately will make it
possible to construct a single sectoral codification normative act, with an appropriate
justification of each of its provisions.
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