Determinants of professional identity of the state border protection actors

: 63-69

Matviychuk I. L.
"Determinants of professional identity of the state border protection actors"

State Border Service of Ukraine

The  article  defines  the  determinants  of  the  professional  identity  of  the  subjectsof  state 
border  guard.  The  professional  identity  of  the  subjects  of  state  border  protection  includes  the 
following  components:  a  dynamic  system  of  professional  values  and  acquired  professional 
competence.  In  the  course  of  the  research,  fourstages  of  the  formation  of  a  professional 
identity  are  identified:  uncertain  professional  identity,  imposed  professional  identity, 
moratorium (the crisis ofchoice), and formed professional identity. 
It  is  determined  that  the  formation  of  the  professional  identity  of  the  subjects  ofstate 
border  guard  is  determined  by  the  internal,  professional  and  external,  socio-cultural  context 
and  the  influence  of  a  number  of  objective  and  subjective  factors.The  intensity  and  character 
of the formation of the professional identity of thesubjects of the protection of the state border 
is determined, first of all, by thepeculiarities of professional activity and social environment. It 
is  proved  that  theprofessional  identity  of  the  subjects  of  state  border  guard  is  determined  by 
the  resultof  the  consecutively  harmonization  of  the  dynamic  system  of  professional  values 
andunderstanding of socialrequests for solving problems ina particular professionalsituation.

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