The current criminal law has substantially improved the basic provisions of the institute of appoi
ntment of punishment. In particular, for the first time, the rule stipulating that a court is offered to choo
se a more severe type of punishment from the number of penalties provided for in the relevant part of th
e Criminal Code of Ukraine only if less severe punishment isn’t able to achieve the statutory purposes of
punishment. Said regulations must b followed in the appointment of such a form of criminal
punishment as life imprisonment. This provision of the law is fundamentally important in the sense that
in the current Criminal Code, the sanctions of articles providing for this type of punishment
alternatively provide for a certain term of imprisonment. In addition, there is also the urgent issue of
appointment of life imprisonment and in sentencing in the context of multiple crimes.
The article describes the theoretical and legal characterization of the term “life imprisonment”
and discusses the specific features of this type of punishment. The article also analyzes international
legislation on the use of life imprisonment.
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