Powers of the High council of justice to ensure the independence of judges and the authority of justice

: 33-41

Baran A.
"Powers of the High council of justice to ensure the independence of judges and the authority of justice"

Іnstitute law, psychology and innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Theory, history and philosophy of law Assistant Professor

The article defines and analyzes the powers of the High Council of Justice to ensure the independence of judges and the authority of justice. It is proposed to differentiate the powers of the High Council of Justice: according to the object of influence: 1) powers in relation to judges; 2) powers over prosecutors; depending on the procedure of execution: 1) powers exercised by decision-making by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting; 2) powers exercised by decision-making by a majority of the entire composition of the High Council of Justice; 3) powers exercised through a decision by a qualified majority of votes; by source of origin: 1) powers exercised by the High Council of Justice on its own initiative; 2) powers exercised by the High Council of Justice on the initiative of other entities; by functional purpose: 1) powers in the direction of formation of the judiciary and career growth of judges; 2) powers to prosecute prosecutors and judges; 3) powers to ensure the independence of judges and the authority of justice; 4) powers in the direction of information and organizational support of the activities of bodies and institutions of the justice system.

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