Legal aspects of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: modern challenges and ways of solution

: 48-55

Harasymiv T.
"Legal aspects of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: modern challenges and ways of solution"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article identifies and analyzes the legal problems of the organizational and functional structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the context of national reform. Large-scale reforms in Ukraine were initiated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in particular with the adoption on October 22, 2014 of the Convention on Priority Measures for Reforming the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Strategy for the Development of Internal Affairs Bodies of Ukraine. The Strategy for the Development of Internal Affairs Bodies of Ukraine and the Concept of Priority Measures for Reforming the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs deserve a positive assessment, but they have significant shortcomings that threaten not only deadlines stage. Currently, the system of bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes: 1) the National Police of Ukraine; 2) State Border Guard Service of Ukraine; 3) State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies; 4) the National Guard of Ukraine; 5) State Migration Service of Ukraine; 6) Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The defining challenges facing the Ministry of Internal Affairs today are directly related to the competence to ensure the security of citizens and society, the ability to combat crime, to provide quality and transparent services to society. Hence, the issue of improving management in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs remains relevant. The functioning of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the conditions of dynamic changes and uncertain environment requires the search for new optimal approaches to management, focused on rapid adaptation to new realities

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