Legislative regulation of sanitary and hygienic requirements for water supplyin the context of public improvement of settlements

: 138-144

Sybirna R., Sybirny A., Zarichna O.
"Legislative regulation of sanitary and hygienic requirements for water supplyin the context of public improvement of settlements"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv National Medical University them Danila Galitsky Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor associate professor of the department of general hygiene with ecology
Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene Lviv National Medical University them Danila Galitsky Candidate of Biological Sciences Senior Research Fellow Laboratory of transmissible viral infections

At the present stage, detailed plans of rural settlements should include areas where water intake wells, pumping stations, and treatment facilities can potentially be located.Otherwise, when preparing project documentation, there is often a problem with non-compliance with sanitary zones of buildings, construction in cramped conditions. Ensuring favorable living conditions and public health are directly related to the comprehensive development of architectural and planning, engineering, construction andenvironmental and hygienicmeasures and the implementation of state sanitary supervision over the planning, construction and improvement of urban and rural settlements.Accordingly, the design of settlements should be based on the laws of Ukraine and regional programs to address the most important social, architectural, economic, environmental and hygienic issues. Improving the quality of water supply in the context of landscaping is a serious hygienic problem that requires regulation at the legislative level.In–called’connectionwith it, to participate in the development of new design and retrofit of settlements should be both architects, economists, ecologists and other specialists, legal experts widely attract profile.In order to increase the importance of legal factors in regulating sanitary and hygienic requirements for water supply of settlements, active cooperation of state structures, local governments and public organizations with law enforcement agencies and the National Police of Ukraine should be practiced, which will ensure effective law enforcement activities in this area. To guarantee an environmentally safe living environment, it is necessary to improve the legislation of Ukraine in this aspect, and regulations to strengthen the responsibility for violating state standards, norms and rules in the field of sanitary and hygienic requirements for water supply and sewerage in settlements, taking into account national and international experience.

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