Comparative analysis of the legal status of farms and agricultural cooperatives

: 143-151

Dolynska M. "Comparative analysis of the legal status of farms and agricultural cooperatives"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The study is devoted to topical issues of agricultural law development in Ukraine. Agrarian law regulates the various complex of agrarian legal relations in which agrarian subjects enter. The author claims that in the latest changes in agricultural legislation we trace the progressive trends in the development of Ukrainian law and Ukrainian society. The most common types of subjects of agrarian law are studied: farms and agricultural cooperatives. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of the legal status of farms and agricultural cooperatives as the main subjects of the agro-industrial complex of the state. The main types of farms are characterized and special attention is paid to family farms. The author came to the conclusion that the main types of farms in Ukraine are farms - a legal entity, and a farm without the status of a legal entity, which is registered as a natural personentrepreneur. In Ukraine, the formation of new types of farms – family farms The analysis of the basic types of agricultural cooperative formations is carried out. The author argues that in Ukraine from 2020 there are two main types of agricultural cooperatives: cooperatives that have the purpose of making a profit and cooperatives that operate without the purpose of making a profit. Peculiarities of state registration of farms and agricultural cooperatives of different types are determined. The author proposes in case of creation of a farm – a legal entity by family members, in addition to the statute, to enter into an agreement on the establishment of such a farm. Members of one family who have established a farm in the form of a family farm on the basis of registration of a natural person – entrepreneur are co-entrepreneurs of the above family farm. The importance of the development of family farms and their participation in the activities of agricultural cooperatives is that they will not only meet the personal needs of family members, but also contribute to the provision of organic food to the population. In the future, farms will be members of not one but several agricultural cooperatives.

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