Principles and methods of research of human rights and freedoms of his dignity

: 116-120

Shcherbai I. "Principles and methods of research of human rights and freedoms of his dignity"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The methodological principles of the study of human dignity in the realization of human rights and freedoms lie in the objective laws of nature and society, the objective laws of capacity. The main content in these objective laws is the methodological characteristics of human dignity. These methodological characteristics follow from the natural laws of human development. In general, the methodology of human dignity can, in my opinion, in ordological, existential, transcendent institutions using interdisciplinary methods and techniques of realization (before the implementation, execution, use, application) of rights and freedoms. Before use, execution, use and application play an important role in our universal life, if we meet every day and can not communicate them. The main methodological principles of the study of human dignity include: the principle of objectivity, the principle of determinism, the principle of interconnection and interaction, the principle of development, the connection of the inner world of man with his culturological activity, finding himself, being, evolutionary, and so on. Human dignity is also based on the principle of interconnectedness and interaction. It is about the relationship of man with the universe, the dependence of man on natural phenomena and the interaction of man and the world on both sides in relation to each other. There is a social interaction between man and the world, which determines the degree of human dignity.

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