A comprehensive approach to the interpretation of the crime prevention system has been developed. In modern conditions, its integral part should be victimological prevention of criminal offenses in real conditions of place and time. The argumentation on the priority of development of the victimological component of crime prevention is given. This is, in particular, an opportunity to achieve a reduction in crime without the involvement of significant material resources, based on the natural human desire for self-preservation and self-defense. The peculiarities of victimological measures to prevent crime as a separate type of the most humane legal practices in combating crime have been studied. Taking into account the Ukrainian realities of today, the best examples of the European experience are analyzed. The main features of the current state of development of the victimological component of crime prevention in Ukraine are systematized. These are: progressive development of the domestic legal framework in the direction of protection of the rights of victims and victims of criminal offenses; formation of a separate link of state special subjects to ensure the protection of victims; institutional development of the network of victimological public organizations; development of targeted measures to protect the rights and interests of certain categories of persons (children; women; whistleblowers; victims of enforced disappearances and members of their families etc). It is generalized that such tendencies of development of the victimological component in Ukraine are coordinated with the European and international standards of protection of victims of criminal offenses. The expediency of further development of the victimological component in the system of combating crime in the following areas is substantiated: formation of vitimological policy, development of special methods of influencing victimogenic factors and victims of criminal offenses; involvement of public and state institutions in the assessment and monitoring of the victimological situation in the state, its individual territories or groups of the population; improvement of scientific bases of programming of measures of victimological prevention of crime. The content of an effective victimological policy for Ukraine, which must meet the public demands of today, has been developed. In particular, legal victimology policy should cover the legislative sphere, law enforcement, ideological component, aimed at reducing the level of victimhood in society; providing compensatory guarantees to realized victims of offenses, etc.
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