The article is devoted to the analysis of systemic bulling as a circumstance that can cause a state of strong emotional excitement. In Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine indicates a circumstance that may cause a state of strong emotional excitement, which was not specified in Art. 95 of the Criminal Code of 1960, – systematic bulling. However, the legislator does not explain what is meant by systematic bulling. The Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine does not do that either. It is not clear for what reasons, but in Art. 123 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the list of circumstances that may cause a state of strong emotional excitement, was not supplemented by this fact, which should be considered as a gap in the legislation. It is proved that the separation of the studied circumstance is a positive trend, given that the legislator thus expands the range of circumstances that can lead to a state of strong emotional excitement, which indicates that more attention is paid to the subjective aspects of such a state. This, in turn, led to the mitigation of criminal liability at the level of its differentiation in cases where premeditated murder was committed in a state of strong emotional excitement, which was caused by systematic bulling. After all, previously in such cases, when systematic bulling could not be attributed to unlawful violence or severe insult, premeditated murder in a state of strong emotional excitement was subject to classification under the article, which provides for the main composition of premeditated murder.
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