Legal problems and prospects of higher education modernization in Ukraine

Harasymiv T. "Legal problems and prospects of higher education modernization in Ukraine"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article analyzes the legal problems and identifies prospects for modernization of higher education in Ukraine in the context of global transformations of the modern educational space. The conditions that will promote the effectiveness of higher education in Ukraine, based on the following three main principles, namely: 1) regulatory and legal support of the educational process of modernization of higher education, its compliance with the best world and European standards; 2) appropriate material and social base - as a stable factor in the implementation of the strategic plan for the effectiveness of the quality of education; 3) the content of quality higher education, which will take into account both national achievements and modern world standards. There are three defining areas of modernization of higher education, namely: 1) systematic improvement of the national educational space, in particular the legal basis for the development of higher education; 2) use of the experience gained by the previous system of higher education and its harmonization with international standards in this area, introduction of best practices of the world; 3) development of an effective educational system of higher education institutions that meets modern globalization challenges and demands of society. It is concluded that higher education in the new socio-economic conditions acquires a high status, because it helps the transition to the information society, setting priorities for the development of modern European rule of law, in which the main strategic reserve is highly educated youth.

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