The article analyzes the problem of codification of labor legislation of Ukraine as a special form of systematization of law. It is determined that the codification of labor legislation is characterized by the following features: it is the activity of competent state bodies, ie state activity, the result of which must be properly authorized and enforced by legal instruments agreed in a single mechanism for implementing this result. nature; The end result of such activities is a newly created codified act, which will contain legal norms that have been systematically processed in appropriate ways and methods, with existing norms that are effective and efficient, streamlined and introduced into this act, and outdated norms are repealed and replaced by new ones. , ie the consequence of such activities is the streamlining of the content and form of legislation; the consolidated codified act may have an external form in the form of a code, regulation, statute; the codified act must have a higher legal force compared to other regulations governing public relations in this area, as well as regulations that will be created in the future, must comply with the main codified act to avoid conflicts and gaps.
The article concludes that codification as a type of systematization of labor legislation is widely used in the legal system of Ukraine. One example of this is the development, adoption and implementation of a new Labor Code of Ukraine. The formation and formation of the labor law system of Ukraine is carried out directly by codification. The researched activity plays an extremely important role in the process of development of labor legislation.
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