Features of the regulation of procedural coercion in the context of ensuring the rights of the individual in the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine and some european states

: 131-137

Huzela M. "Features of the regulation of procedural coercion in the context of ensuring the rights of the individual in the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine and some european states"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The issue of regulation of criminal procedural coercion in the context of ensuring the rights of the individual is extremely relevant in criminal procedural law in terms of the application of measures to ensure criminal proceedings. The need for proper regulation of criminal procedure rules in order to implement in the national criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine and individual European countries European standards of criminal proceedings is the basis for building a system of criminal procedure of the security type.

Therefore, the cornerstone for the development of criminal procedural science and the development of a unified judicial practice is the real provision in the criminal process of legal protection of a person as a subject of criminal proceedings through the implementation of procedural guarantees of rights and freedoms of this person. legal relations. At the same time, the legality and validity of the use of procedural coercion in criminal proceedings becomes important in this context. In different European countries, the implementation of procedural coercion is regulated differently.

In particular, in Ukraine, based on the provisions of the current CPC of Ukraine, the regulation of procedural coercion is mainly expressed through the implementation of measures to ensure criminal proceedings and, in particular, in their system - precautionary measures in criminal proceedings. Therefore, the main task of the criminal process of the security type in any state is to develop reliable legal mechanisms to prevent all kinds of abuse and mistakes of the subjects who conduct the criminal process and, accordingly, authorized to implement criminal procedural coercion.

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