The article is devoted to the problem of administrative and legal support of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to a safe environment for life and health in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to defining the two basic categories of "administrative and legal support" and "safe for life and health of the environment."
It was found that the administrative and legal support of the judiciary as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to a safe environment for life and health is largely determined by the potential ability of the judiciary to regulate public relations, guarantee useful for the state and society. to preserve a safe environment for life and health, to restore the violated rights of the individual in this area.
A number of current regulations defining the powers of the judiciary as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to a safe environment for life and health have been analyzed.
It was found that the content of legal acts of judicial bodies, including the European Court of Human Rights and national judicial institutions, plays a special role in protecting the right of citizens to a safe environment for life and health in Ukraine. The typical problems of ensuring citizens' access to justice in environmental protection, identified in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, identified the case law of various judicial institutions, including the Administrative Court of Cassation in the Supreme Court, which affects the legal position of judicial bodies. for life and health of the environment in Ukraine.
Emphasis is placed on the expediency of improving the current legislation on environmental protection with an emphasis on the timely neutralization of negative environmental phenomena, strengthening the responsibility for its violation; regulatory and legal incentives for participants in public relations to act in accordance with the requirements of environmental security in general, improving mechanisms for responding to and neutralizing new environmental challenges caused by COVID-19, hostilities in Ukraine, etc.
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