The philosophy of Klym Hankevych (to the 180th anniversary from the day of birth)

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Tokarska A. "The philosophy of Klym Hankevych (to the 180th anniversary from the day of birth)."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article collects not numerous studies on the Ukrainian «philosopher», according to F. Nietzsche, as a comprehensively talented teacher with extraordinary philosophical, philological heritage and ethnographic knowledge, which in the creative heritage a wide worldview vision of life. At the heart of the article - in addition to the intelligence of D. Chizhevsky, the only modern work is a sufficiently reasoned article of the philosopher I. Lysy about K. Hankevich.

The biographical data on the scientist, who, having begun his research intentions to realize from the age of 26, has always mastered the difficult and debatable metaphylosophical issues in order to establish «the nature of philosophy, its place in culture and knowledge system», have not been known. His research is distinguished by the richness of the use of scientific terminology, philosophical concepts and figurative Latin statements without their reproduction in Ukrainian to reflect the «cardinal problems of Ukrainian being».

The reliable scientific ground is the statement of the operation of K. Hankevich by the philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Pliny, etc. Klim Gankevich is a forgotten little -studied extraordinary figure of a high model in the national philosophy of K. XIX - beginning. XX century.

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2. Babiak P. Encyclopedia of modern Ukraine. K., 2006. Vol. 5. K.: Fact, 2007. 720 p.

4. Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies: In 11 volumes Lviv-Nyu York, 1963. Vol. 3, 7.

5. Lysy I. Ya. (KG Hankevich's unknown publication). Proceedings. 2000. Volume 18. Special issue. P. 59–62. [URL: View 18.05.2022].

6. Lysy I. Philosophical and artistic culture. K.: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2013. 283 p.

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8. Ogorodnik IV, Ogorodnik VV History of philosophical thought in Ukraine. Lecture Course: Educ. a manual. K.: Higher School; Knowledge; Koo, 1999. 543 p.

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11. Chizhevsky D. Essays on the History of Philosophy in Ukraine. K., 1992. 230 p.