Social efficiency of justice and ways of its increase

: 66-73
Kolych O. "Social efficiency of justice and ways of its increase."

Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University Candidate of Jurispondence, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, History and Philosophy of Law

The article analyzes the features of the social effectiveness of justice, the problems of its provision and ways to improve it. It is noted that the effectiveness of justice belongs to the priority tasks of the state, which is directly related to the provision of human and citizen rights. Social factors that have a negative impact on the effectiveness of justice are highlighted, which should include, in addition to the martial law regime, a decrease in the level of public trust in the court, corruption, as well as a number of political, economic and social realities. It is noted that a number of normative legal acts have been adopted at the legislative level, which are aimed at reforming the judiciary, including improving its efficiency.

Emphasis is placed on increasing the efficiency of justice as an important area of ​​activity of the judiciary, which is implemented in various directions, the key of which is the increase of public trust and respect for the court. The level of trust in the court in Ukraine is low, the reason for which is a number of organizational, legal and social aspects. It is possible to increase this level by reforming the judicial system, improving the activities of the courts, expanding the court's relations with the public, borrowing the best world experience of the judicial branch of government in accordance with the highest standards of protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms, and developing a further strategy for improving the judicial system, etc. It is noted that trust in the court is related to the transparency of the judicial system and will contribute to strengthening the authority of the court and increasing its social status. An important social requirement for the activity of courts is the requirement of high morality and the supremacy of ethical norms.

It is noted that the observance of the principle of humanism is a criterion of the justice of the court, because this principle concerns the provision and recognition of the value of a person. An important element of the effectiveness of justice is compliance with the principle of competitiveness. In this aspect, competitiveness should not be considered as a simple dispute between two parties in a legal process, which is aimed at satisfying subjective interests. Competitiveness is, first of all, a dialectical struggle of opposites that leads to knowledge of objective reality, restoration of justice and establishment of truth, to knowledge of the real world. Competitiveness lays the foundations of judicial jurisprudence, and not only the consideration of the case on its merits.

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