Some criminological and criminal legal problems protection and defense of participants in criminal proceedings from socially dangerous encroachments in the conditions of martial law

: 337-343
Huzela M. Some criminological and criminal legal problems protection and defense of participants in criminal proceedings from socially dangerous encroachments in the conditions of martial law.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the problem of preventing criminal offenses against participants in criminal proceedings in the context of ensuring their protection and protection from socially dangerous encroachments in the criminal process. In particular, based on the study of the experience of certain foreign countries in solving the specified problem, the criminological and criminal-legal possibilities of protection and protection of participants are investigated of criminal justice in Ukraine. It is substantiated that ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings has a procedural legal nature, and is therefore considered a functional duty of law enforcement units.

It was established that in order to optimize the organizational foundations for the prevention of criminal offenses against participants in criminal proceedings, the priority areas in this matter are: the development of an optimal and effective implementation mechanism for ensuring the safety of persons who are subject to protection and protection from socially dangerous encroachments in the course of criminal proceedings, widely using opportunities for interaction with law enforcement agencies, public organizations, state and local self-government bodies; creation of a unified information space and improvement of the currently existing forms of statistical accounting, of course, taking into account legislative requirements regarding the preservation of the confidentiality regime and protection of state secrets; development and implementation, on the basis of the wide implementation of digital and computer technologies, of modern methods of analysis, assessment and forecasting of the development of the criminological situation in the sphere of ensuring the safety of persons subject to state protection, which would meet the modern requirements of operational and service activities of law enforcement agencies, in particular, in conditions of military state

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