Requirements for Articles

The text of the article should be designed in accordance with the following instructions:

  • Document format: MS Word;
  • Page: A4 paper size; Portrait, margins: 2 cm, header and footer 1 cm;
  • Articles should be written in English and should include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Material and Method, Results, Conclusions and References;
  • Title: capital letters, bold, centered, English and native, Arial 12;
  • Authors: ARIAL 9, Fat, Center;
  • Affiliation: ARIAL 8, Center;
  • Keywords: ARIAL 10, bold, italics, left-aligned;
  • Abstract: in English and native language (max. 10 lines, 300 words), ARIAL 10, italics, one space after;
  • Sections: Uppercase Arial 10, bold, left-aligned;
  • The main text of the article: ARIAL 10, align, paragraph indent 1 cm;
  • Tables: lowercase title, bold, center, table number aligned to the right, ARIAL 10, italics, bold;
  • Numbers: numbered, ARIAL 9, bold, in the center;
  • References: alphabetical order, ARIAL 10 bold, title and publisher: ARIAL 10 italics;
  • Numbering of pages: in the footer, in the center, sheet 10;
  • The article is sent by e-mail (information will be available soon);
  • Each participant has the right to submit two works as the first author.


  • The paper presentation should be done: (preferably) in Power Point; Presentation time no more than 10 minutes;
  • The Scientific Committee will analyze theses according to the following criteria: coverage of the topic, degree of novelty, and originality;
  • Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings;
  • Papers with the highest scientific level will be selected by the Editorial Board for inclusion in the publication cited in the Scopus scientometric database;