Investigation of the structural properties of porous material according to the sorption isotherms and drainage curves

: pp. 23-32
Received: April 01, 2016

Math. Model. Comput. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 23-32 (2016)

Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

In this paper in the compliance with the method of the local averaging, the basic relations of surface physics and thermodynamics for the description of diffusion process of the liquid and gas phases in the inhomogeneous porous media have been considered. In line with the drainage and sorption properties of the liquid in the porous skeleton, the normalized function of distribution of the pore size for the effective radius has been defined. The relations for the determination of the intrinsic and relative permeability of phases in the solid skeleton have been proposed. The dependence of the intrinsic permeability on the structural properties of porous material has been analyzed. A simple condition of the equilibrium of phases in the porous skeleton with surrounding medium has been obtained.

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