Purpose. The aim of the article is to develop the suggestions for the content of the new state statistical document of the recultivation registration of disturbed lands and the use of fertile soil layer instead of canceled report according the 2-TP form. Methodology. The analysis of the report on the recultivation of disturbed lands has been done due to the methodology of the research, taking into account the documents of the current land legislation regarding the land composition and land ownership in Ukraine. It has been discovered that the names of some lands in the indexes of report table of 2-TP form terminologically are not to the lands classification which is used for a quantitative registration. In addition to the above, according to the regulations of the current Land Code of Ukraine in relation to the forms of ownership, collective property (one of the report indexes) does not exist in our country. Therefore, there is a necessity to develop a new form of corresponding report statistical document instead of existent 2-TP form, in order to remove defects and increase the amount of indexes to satisfy the users’ needs in quantitative information about the state of disturbed and recultivated lands. Results. The results of the article are certain changes and supplements which are suggested to add into the content of the report on lands recultivation according to 2-TP form and also into the content of the report on the lands quantitative registration according to 6-zem form. Originality. The justification for the proposed on an improvement of registration recultivation, disturbed and recultivated lands in one reporting statistical document is the academic novelty of this research. Practical significance. The practical significance of the research is the fact that the improvement of content of report documents on the lands recultivation registration leads to advanced accounting, monitoring and control of the use of disturbed, exhaust and recultivated lands and also the lands which are being recultivated.
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