Approbation of application of non-simultaneous bilateral trigonometric leveling taking into account vertical refraction

: pp. 19-28
Department of Geodesy, Institute of Geodesy, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose. Development of efficient, economic and reliable method of trigonometric leveling that would allow replace the geometric leveling without loss of precision, especially during works in mountainous areas remains actual. Methodology. Performing non-simultaneous trigonometric leveling with application of modern robotic electronic total station can increase accuracy of determination of partial angles of vertical refraction using fluctuations of zenith distances and carrying out observations during periods of constant thermal stratification of the atmosphere. Results. In 2013, there were performed works to establish basic geodetic network for building Beskid tunnel. Altitude referencing of network control points for the east and west portals of the tunnel was done by the class II leveling using digital level DNA03 Leica. To determine the plane coordinates and elevations of the control network there were implemented linear-angular measurements using the automated total station TCRP-1201 Leica. The comparative analysis of geometric and trigonometric leveling using the methods of considering vertical refraction on bilateral non-simultaneous observations of zenith angles and their fluctuations was implemented. Adjustment of plane and altitude network using corrected zenith distances was done. Rms error of determination of elevation for non-simultaneous bilateral trigonometric leveling using proposed method and comparing with the geometric leveling of class II, was 1 mm. The introduction of amendments for the vertical refraction to the measured zenith distances improves accuracy assessment of altitude network in the process of its adjustment on one order. Originality. The proposed technique of bilateral non-simultaneous observations in mountainous terrains during periods of stable thermal stratification of the atmosphere on the distances of 1 km allows replacing geometric leveling of class II. Practical significance. According to the results of processing of non-simultaneous bilateral trigonometric and geometric leveling it was made verification of control altitude network created for the construction of the Beskyd tunnel. There were shown possibility of replacing costly geometric leveling, especially in mountainous areas, with non-simultaneous bilateral trigonometric leveling with no loss of accuracy.

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