Absolute sea level changes at the tide gauge station in Władysławowo using different time series software packages

Received: October 01, 2018
Revised: November 22, 2018
Accepted: December 20, 2018
Department of Air Navigation, Faculty of Navigation, Polish Air Force University
Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geodetic Science, Koszalin University of Technology

This paper presents geocentric sea level changes at the tide gauge station in Władysławowo, Poland. These changes have been calculated from the time series of GNSS and tide gauge observations. For the estimation of the geocentric sea level trend computer software packages Hector, GITSA, GGMatlab, and Statistica have been used. The results show that all the software packages give a similar value of absolute sea level changes in Władysławowo and it is estimated at a rate of around 3 mm/year. The examined computer programs are featured by a different degree of visualization and the simplicity of use. A significant difficulty is to prepare the required data format and the installation of the computer program in the software environment e.g. Matlab. Finally, it can be concluded that the Hector software package, due to the simplicity of input data preparation, that the possibility of on-line calculations and the selection of different error models are very useful for the analysis of time-series of geophysical phenomena like sea level changes. The least recommended for this type of analysis of time series is the Statistica software package.

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