Gas-generation potential estimation of silurian shale deposits of Volhyno-Podillya margin of East European platform

: pp. 34 - 46
Received: September 05, 2015
Institute of geotechnical mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NAS of Ukraine
M. S. Polyakov’s Institute of geotechnical mechanics of National academy of sciences of Ukraine,
M. S. Polyakov’s Institute of geotechnical mechanics of National academy of sciences of Ukraine

Purpose. Estimation of gas-shale potential of rocks on the base of experimental researches of core-samples and thermobaric terms determination, that are most favorable for the emission of gaseous hydrocarbons from rocks. Methodology. Research of molecular structure and physical and chemical properties in the organic constituent of shale samples was executed by EPR- and FTIR- spectroscopy methods. As addition to the research basic methods, the results of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XFA) were used. Complex analysis of laboratory researches results and available geology-petrophisycal and geochemical data. Results. It is confirmed that methane is in shales as well as in carboniferous deposits, genetically is related exactly with carbonaceous organic substance. It means that the gas presence of shale rocks is mainly formed in the process of transformations in carbonaceous organic substance, which in shales is in the dissipated state. It is proved that gas presence of shale rocks depends on thermobaric terms in which shale organic constituent is and from its quantity and condition. It was established that organic compounds in the obtained core-samples (Lischinska-1 well) are fixed in negligible quantities as a result of destructive transformations of substance with the loss of volatile degradation products, which happened in the process of catagenetic transformations of carboniferous organic. Originality. The potential gas presence of shale rocks of silurian deposits of the Volhyno-Podillya margin of the East Europe platform is firstly estimated by their methangeneration potential determination and sorption properties by the EPR- spectroscopy and FTIR- spectroscopy methods. It is shown that their organic substance has relatively low sorption characteristics and it methangeneration potential is insignificant. Practical significance. Physical methods approbation of sorption properties estimation and gasgeneration potential  by sampless from one well (Lischinska-1) confirmed, that further directed system researches in this direction would allow defining reliable conformities to law state and properties forming of molecular structure of the dissipated organic substance, with the purpose of substantial increase of prognosis exactness of gas presence of shale rocks depending on thermobaric terms

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