2(19), 2015

Recommended by the Academic Council of the Lviv Polytechnic National University

Scientific journal “Geodynamics” includes 3 scientific sections – “Geodesy”, “Geology”, “Geophysics” and publishes in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages the articles of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on specified disciplines, touching on the problems of geodynamics and contiguous questions.

For specialists – geodesists, geologists and geophysicists, researches of academic and industrial institutions, lecturers, post-graduate students and students of universities and institutes who are engaged in the problems of geodynamics and accompanying researches.

From 2014 Journal “Geodynamics” had been included in the database “Index Copernicus”. Papers, published in the journal “Geodynamics” are considered by State Attestation Committee of Ukraine when the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations as scientometrics.

Registration certificate: series KB № 1290 of February 28, 1995.

In this Number

(13 papers)
Alexander N. Marchenko, O. V. Kucher, Dmytro Marchenko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23939/jgd2015.02.007
pp. 7 - 14
Andriy Nazarevych, O. N. Bokun, Lesya Nazarevych
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23939/jgd2015.02.055
pp. 55 - 71

Editoral board of interdepartamental scientific and technical review “Geodynamics”

p. 109

Editoral board of interdepartamental scientific and technical review “Geodynamics”

p. 110

Editoral board of interdepartamental scientific and technical review “Geodynamics”

p. 111