Problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings

: 195-198

Nesimko O., Baranyak V. "Problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination
in criminal proceedings"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

In the article on the basis of analysis of normative legal acts considered the problematic issues of appointment of forensic examination in criminal proceedings. The necessity of making appropriate amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Forensic Expertise” is determined with the aim of bringing its norms in line with the CPC norms regarding the procedure for appointing forensic examinations in criminal proceedings.

1. Kry`minal`ny`j procesual`ny`j kodeks Ukrayiny`: zatverdzheny`j Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 13.04.2012 № 4651-VI // Oficijny`j visny`k Ukrayiny`. 2012. № 37. St. 11. 2. Pro sudovu eksperty`zu: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 25 lyutogo 1994 r. № 4711-VI. URL: 3. Pro zatverdzhennya Instrukciyi pro pry`znachennya ta provedennya sudovy`x eksperty`z ta ekspertny`x doslidzhen` ta Naukovo-metody`chny`x rekomendacij z py`tan` pidgotovky` ta pry`znachennya sudovy`x eksperty`z ta ekspertny`x doslidzhen`: Nakaz Ministerstva yusty`ciyi Ukrayiny` vid 8 zhovtnya 1998 r. № 53/5. URL: laws/show/z0705-98.