: 1-10
Received: October 10, 2019
Accepted: November 20, 2019

Цитування за ДСТУ: Цмоць І. Г., Опотяк Ю. В., Роман В. І. Засоби збирання та візуалізації енергетичних даних для системи управління енергоефективністю економіки регіону. Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2019, т. 1, № 1. С. 01–10.

Citation APA: Tsmots, I. G., Opotiak, Yu. V., & Roman, V. I. (2019). Means for collection and visualization of energy data for the system of energy efficiency management of the regional economic. Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 01–10.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Automated Control Systemst
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Automated Control Systems

It is shown that energy ef­fi­ci­ency impro­ve­ment of the re­gi­on's eco­nomy is re­ali­zed thro­ugh the use of in­for­ma­ti­on-analyti­cal me­ans of sup­por­ting energy ef­fi­ci­ency ma­na­ge­ment, which are ba­sed on in­tel­lec­tu­al in­for­ma­ti­on, Web and te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on techno­lo­gi­es. Archi­tec­tu­re of an in­for­ma­ti­on-analyti­cal system (IAS) for ma­na­ging the energy ef­fi­ci­ency of the re­gi­on's eco­nomy has be­en de­ve­lo­ped ba­sed on the prin­cip­les of mo­du­la­rity, open­ness, com­pa­ti­bi­lity and use of a set of ba­sic de­sign so­lu­ti­ons. IAS pro­vi­des col­lec­ti­on, pro­ces­sing and vis­ua­li­za­ti­on of energy da­ta, mo­de­ling, fo­re­cas­ting of energy ef­fi­ci­ency ma­na­ge­ment pro­ces­ses and sup­port of energy ef­fi­ci­ency ma­na­ge­ment de­ci­si­ons for re­gi­onal eco­no­mic. The cre­ati­on of a uni­fi­ed in­for­ma­ti­on spa­ce with re­li­ab­le, comple­te and ti­mely in­for­ma­ti­on that is used to ge­ne­ra­te ef­fec­ti­ve ma­na­ge­ment de­ci­si­ons is en­su­red. On the ba­sis of the In­ter­net of Things con­cept de­ve­lo­ped da­ta col­lec­tors that are the spa­ti­ally distri­bu­ted small in­tel­li­gent sen­sors lin­ked to a clo­ud ser­ver. It is shown that it is ex­pe­di­ent to de­ve­lop the com­po­nents of the geoin­for­ma­ti­on system for the IACEA re­gi­on eco­nomy using Go­og­le Clo­ud Ser­vi­ces and the spe­ci­ali­zed Go­og­le Maps API, which will pro­vi­de promptly cre­ati­on, mo­di­fi­ca­ti­on and incre­ase of in­for­ma­ti­on ca­pa­bi­li­ti­es. It is ar­gu­ed that the ad­di­ti­onal in­vol­ve­ment of prog­ram­ming to­ols, inclu­ding Ja­vaScript, using the Go­og­le Maps API pro­vi­des the op­por­tu­nity to de­ve­lop a geoin­for­ma­ti­on system for the IAS for sup­por­ting energy ef­fi­ci­ency ma­na­ge­ment of re­gi­onal eco­nomy, ta­king in­to ac­co­unt ad­di­ti­onal spe­ci­fic fu­tu­re req­ui­re­ments of the thesis system. It is pro­po­sed cre­ati­on of the IAS for sup­por­ting energy ef­fi­ci­ency ma­na­ge­ment on the ba­sis of da­ta­ba­ses and da­ta wa­re­hou­ses, spe­ci­ali­zed pub­licly ava­ilab­le GIS to­ols for vis­ua­li­za­ti­on and analysis of energy con­sumpti­on and energy ef­fi­ci­ency da­ta, which will en­su­re the fe­asi­bi­lity and ef­fi­ci­ency of ge­ne­ra­ted ma­na­ge­ment de­ci­si­ons. It is shown that the vis­ua­li­za­ti­on of energy da­ta and pro­ces­sing re­sults in the most hu­man-re­adab­le form with pre­ci­se lo­ca­ti­ons of the ma­na­ge­ment fa­ci­li­ti­es pro­vi­des ef­fec­ti­ve sup­port for ma­na­ge­ment de­ci­si­ons.

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