Three-dimentional model of the deformation of structural Merian basin by standing waves
Received: March 27, 2019
Revised: December 02, 2019
Accepted: December 05, 2019
State University of Telecommunicatons

Purpose of the study. Analysis of the effect of standing waves on the bed of the water basin. The research methodology. When "standing" wave, the water masses carry out rotary-translational displacement. In the vertical cross section of the basin there are synchronous reversible water movements. Their greatest values are in the antinodes, in the vertical direction, and in the nodes, in the horizontal direction. Microseisms of seiche origin create a field of deformation in a vertical section of the basin, with maxima on the lines of projections of the antinodes at the bottom of the reservoir, and also on the lateral face. Results. Proceeding from the fact that the characteristic feature of oscillations is the conditionality of their period, with the linear dimensions of the characteristic side and the coexistence of vertical standing waves with horizontal flow of currents, in the calculations all three dimensions of the model rectangular basin with constant depth are considered. It is shown that in the presence of a "vertical" seiches, the threat of resonance excitation of the seiches is caused by the internal excitatory force – other seiches of the same basin. In the wet liquidation of mines, which are accompanied by the filling of the produced space with water, instead of layered aquifers, separated by water supply, a crack-collecting array is formed, which acts as the only cracked zone. Normal fluctuations of water masses can contribute to increasing the seismicity of the created depression zone. But, on the other hand – in mines it is possible to accommodate the underground pools of the pumped-storage power stations. The attractiveness of exhausted mines is to reduce or exclude excavation works when erecting underground energy objects. Scientific novelty. A modified Merian formula for calculating the seiche period in a rectangular basin of constant depth takes into account the presence of two horizontal and one vertical modes. It is shown that in the presence of a "vertical" seiches, the threat of resonance stimulation of the seiches is caused by the internal excitatory force – other seiches of the same water body. The danger of the resonance interaction of the unidirectional horizontal pairs of the "wave of horizontal mode – the current of the vertical mode" and "the wave of the vertical mode – the current of the horizontal mode" is determined. The hydrological danger, which is caused by possible resonance of the proper oscillations, as well as their resonance with the external excitatory force, is revealed. Practical value. Water objects have been discovered, the analysis of which requires taking into account the vertical mode of its normal oscillations. These are – mines with a vertical dimension, which are comparable to the horizontal ones.

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