Journalism’s term system contains concepts that characterize journalistic activities, production processes and phenomena, involvement in public life. Industry vocabulary reflects integration into the world’s information space, involvement and understanding of the latest theories, modern technologies and techniques of the industry. That is why there is an interest in the terminological content of Ukrainian journalism from the point of view of the origin of its components.
A fairly comprehensive understanding of professional environment’s metalanguage is provided by industry reference editions. Therefore, as the basic approach for the research, we have chosen a method of successive samples studies of professional journalistic terms according to the origin of their constituents based on I. Mykhailyn’s dictionary.
Statistical analysis of single-word terms to determine the proportion of specific and borrowed indicates that words are derived from English, Latin, French, Greek, German, and some other languages. Herewith, the phenomenon of interlingual combination of roots and words is observed: structurally different terms are created on the basis of Ukrainian and borrowed elements. It is found that both the one-word (simple and compound) and many- component words (compound or collocations, which consist of two, three, or four semantic elements) terms of the industry consist mainly of borrowed language material.
We assume that on the basis of a detailed elaboration of the terms of one reference publication, a picture of their origin, which can be extrapolated to the entire term system of the industry, emerges. The results obtained from the analysis of the origin of journalistic terms can indicate, on the one hand, the need for journalists to be involved in the global space, to have a terminology that is comprehensible in the global dimension, and, on the other, “linguistic laziness”, when industry experts make no effort to adapt the foreign terms to the native language. In this context, it is important to coordinate the efforts of the scientific community on the Ukrainianization of the term systems, their ordering and adaptation to the norms of the Ukrainian language.
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